Thursday, January 3, 2008

So what if I like Thursdays....

After a long hiatus, we’ve got something.

In downtown news:
If you didn’t get a chance to check out the Mint on New Years,
visit their website to learn more. They are slated to officially open the 8th, and begin serving lunch a week after that. Also, check out the story on page 8 of the Downtowner for interviews and pictures
Plans for City Market in the works
Thoughts on downtown retail
Some fun pictures from First Night

In Raleigh news:
The cookie store in Cameron Village has closed to make way for White House Black Market
Bars have to start recycling with a quote from Ted!
Broughton Band marches in the Rose Bowl Parade
NC State will spend $20 million on housing that won’t be lived in…

In local-ish news:
Papa Lou’s is closing
They’re selling the weather?? (thanks Steve)
We still need more rain

In irrelevant news:
Raining Iguanas? Cool. (thanks Austin)
It’s Girl Scout Cookie time!

January 23 the AIA NC Chapter will host a reception naming the design winner for its new headquarters
Feb 1 – Blue Dogs and Old Habits at Hideaway BBQ

Fun Stuff:
Gingerbread House awards

Word of the Day:
fiacre (/ifkər,) a small horse-drawn carriage.

Happy New Year everyone! I hope everyone had a great (maybe even relaxing) holiday!