It’s hump day!
In downtown news:
Downtown viewed from Dix
Plaza pictures
More on the NC AIA building
In Raleigh news:
They are widening Wake Forest Road - oh thank heavens….
Center Ice (the Hockey Channel) is free on TWC this week
More love for Frank Harmon
In local-ish news:
Big Red, Snickers, Fritos, a pack of Camels – and pot? Only in LA…
The Cliffside project will happen
Rathskeller is closed (at the bottom of the article)
In irrelevant news:
Oh Lindsay…
66 million gallons?? No wonder we are in a drought…
I lied yesterday. Beer Caucus is tonight…
Wine tasting at Zely and Ritz tonight
Give Blood! February 6, outside the Wachovia building…
Fun Stuff:
Ha! I love craigslist…
Japanese Game Shows (thanks Austin)
Today’s Sign of the Impending Apocalypse:
He damaged this guys car??
Happy Wednesday!
Ashton Mae Smith
Buyers Agent
Glenwood Agency, LLC
700 W. Jones Street
Raleigh, NC 27603
P: 919.828.0077
F: 919.828.0099
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