Alright, sort of slack today…
In downtown news:
The old BBQ place at the corner of St Mary’s and Johnson St. that closed is going to be a “casual seafood” place called Marina Bar and owned by the same guy who owns Mo-Joes (also Charlie Goodnights I think…)
A story about the David Allen Building – a Greg Hatem project
Raleigh will get a Trader Joe’s in 2009
In Raleigh News:
Another article about the proposed zoning changes at tonight City Council Meeting
Here is a link to the actual proposal
An article about property value increases (ITB properties went up an average of 73%)
In local-ish news:
Random closings for thanksgiving
Mike Petersen is writing again
In irrelevant news:
Live music at the airport?
Oh to be famous and ridiculous…
Internet addiction camp….woah. (thanks Austin)
Thanksgiving. How about some history?
Random fun thing:
Good choice on the dinosaur extinction thing…
Happy Tuesday!