i’ll just hang…
Vote on which bands will play Downtown Live!
In Downtown news:
So what the heck isss going on Downtown? – your cliff’s notes guide :)
CBS is in town today
A Bridge Pub update?!
In Raleigh news:
Everyone likes secret tunnels!!
Deep Fried Pecan Pie!? – Now being served at the State Fair
So what’s new at the fair this year?
In local-ish news:
Wake Med is building a new children’s hospital
Tax incentives for bikers??
Why are gas prices so high?
In irrelevant news:
Tommy Bowden resigns at Clemson. And his QB thinks ‘he deserved it’
Ringo is too busy for you, and me, and really everybody else…
Will Linen’s and Things close?
Big Boss beer dinner on Wednesday
Hank Williams Jr. will sing at a Palin rally at Elon on Thursday
Art Raleigh is this weekend
Corey Smith is at Lincoln on Sunday
World’s Toughest Rodeo coming to RBC
Who’s at Tir Na Nog this month?
Fun Stuff:
So you’re desperate to understand what’s going on in the financial world?
Ha. Fun games with sound!
The history of logos
You may not have caught on yet – this is the coolest website ever.
Paris Hilton for President [video] (thanks Dan)
Today’s Sign of the Impending Apocalypse:
She drove to Nebraska and left her teenage son. On purpose.
Wow that was a lot of stuff today. Enjoy!
Ashton Mae Smith