In downtown news:
The Hook Up will be soft opening this weekend
An update on Sidetrack (with pictures!)
Convention Center opening news
In Raleigh news:
Natural Sciences museum is #4 most popular
Wake Tech is getting sports teams
I love college basketball.
In local-ish news:
Sick! Giant frogs!!
Kind of a nice story
Your breath smells like cancer??
In irrelevant news:
Ha. Australia is looking for fatter postmen…
Kirstie Alley is starting her own weight loss company
There is a comprehensive plan update meeting tonight focusing on Downtown
Architect Sarah Susanka will be speaking downtown tonight
The 29th is Art DuckO
Salute the troops! Will be April 26 (yes, that’s the same day as Beer Fest)
Fun Stuff:
Everyone likes fun games
Ducks! (video)
Today’s Sign of the Impending Apocalypse:
Tacos or your life!! (thanks Catherine)
Happy hump day!!