Not much today…
In downtown news:
New Public Safety building renderings and another story
City Plaza update
The dates for downtown live have been set though no acts yet…
In Raleigh news:
I know you were wondering about that Street View thing
New buildings breaking ground on Centennial Campus
‘Carbon Free’ power
In local-ish news:
Stamps are going up again
Some Durham development news
Harris Teeter is branching into Baltimore
In irrelevant news:
Everyone likes flirty news
I always wondered what happened to those shirts…
I think she looks worse with each passing day…
AIDS Alliance benefit tomorrow at the Pour House
Fun Stuff:
The world from space
‘The 86 rules of boozing’
Today’s Sign of the Impending Apocalypse:
I don’t even go to parties on Sunday nights – but maybe I had a sheltered childhood…
Happy Tuesday!