another time, another town, another everything…
It’s Veterans Day - tell someone thanks.
In Downtown news:
A little Veterans Day history and some more history
Changes to the Morgan St. roundabout
Some skyline shots
Sitti should open Monday the 24th
In Raleigh news:
Some Raleigh history
I want a diamond gorilla!
In local-ish news:
The new President-elect and his folks have a website for you
Want to go to Inauguration?
A spin off of The Office will be around in January
In irrelevant news:
I want a dog that can drive! (thanks J.Ross)
It’s sort of cute [weird] that Hef is giving her away… (thanks J.Ross)
Is Obama bad for comedy?
Do something good for Veteran’s Day
It’s Old Reliable Run time
Burning Coal is bringing Fayetteville St to life this weekend
Mark your calendars to give feedback on the Downtown Circular route
The Rosebuds are playing Lincoln on December 3
Fun Stuff:
WWI photos
ITB Insider update!
Literally, these are the top 10 irritating phrases (thanks J.Ross)
Where is the Dell guy now? [well, a year ago…]
Nana’s was closing, Porter’s was starting to serve brunch, Village Deli was reopening
And, there were leprechauns in Alabama [youtube]
Today’s Sign of the Impending Apocalypse:
She lived with threee dead people!
Happy Tuesday folks!
Ashton Mae Smith