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In downtown news:
Marsh Woodwinds opened their new location
Solas should open soon – last I heard they were praying for the end of May
New skyline shots
In Raleigh news:
We’ve got a Maserati dealership now :)
New condo plans in Chapel Hill
Lisa said it best: “It’s the laziest-written article I’ve ever seen in TBJ… but it’s still free coffee”
In local-ish news:
Bike Sharing comes to the States
“One pot is spiraling down so fast, it looks like an Olympic bobsleigh (but it's only Bratwurst).”
The Olympic torch comes to San Francisco
In irrelevant news:
“…the suspect was arrested "for assault with a weapon, namely the hedgehog.’”
We may see something worse than Vista from Microsoft soon
Walgreens is developing film for free on Wednesday
Michelle Obama is in town tonight
Tonight is the NCSU Relay for Life Fundraiser at Hard Times (thanks Lisa)
Thursday at Jax they are doing it again!
Wednesday is a tequila dinner at Dos Taquitos
Also on Thursday, win stuff at Lucky B’s
Fun Stuff:
Pretty neat display. Check out the video too…
He tears the paper. He laughs. He falls over. [video]
PacMan, Donkey Kong, Frogger – all kinds of old games for you to play
Today’s Sign of the Impending Apocalypse:
I’d like to have a painting done by a penguin…
Happy Tuesday everyone!